Monday, July 27, 2020

Roger's Retro Show - Show 29

Welcome to Roger's Retro Hour, number 29. 

Another 60 minutes of groovy music to warm the cockles of your heart. ENJOY!

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Roger's Retro Show - Show 28

Another hour of groovy music from the past. 

Sing along. 

Sing if you're glad to be gay. 


Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Roger's Retro Hour - Show 27

Welcome to Roger's Retro Hour number 27. 

All your fave raves, as per. 


Sunday, July 5, 2020

Roger's Retro Hour - Show 26

Roger's Retro Hour number 26 ended up being the 1973 show - but with the usual surprises, like The Wombles. 

Yes really.

This show is dedicated to Jennifer Faust, whose song Loving You is featured.